Getting Started: Your Personal Settings

The first thing you’ll want to do is to make GroupVitals your own by configuring your personal settings.

1. In the top-right navigation, click on the user icon and from the drop-down, click My Profile.

2. Click the default picture on the left to pull up the image upload box and upload your picture, to make GroupVitals more friendly.

3. Next, to edit your profile details like your phone number, etc..  click the "Edit" tab near the top to access this.

Finally, let’s determine which email notifications you’d like to receive. 

1. Click on the user icon in the very top-right.

2. From the drop-down click on "My Notifications"

3. We have quite a few notifications you can toggle on and off. Go through each one and toggle on what’s important to you. Note that all staff members and even group leaders will have a personal notifications page like this one. The notification options they see will be determined by which roles they have. So group leaders, for example, will only see notification options related to leading a group.

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