How to Setup The FellowshipOne Integration
1. Prepare Your GroupVitals Account
- In order to bring in more than 5 groups and access them within GroupVitals, you'll first need to add your billing information to your GroupVitals account. Here's how to add billing.
- If you have any group(s) within GroupVitals before syncing, you'll either:
- Archive them (go to the group's profile, click the edit tab and at the bottom click the archive button)
- Keep them and sync with F1. If you do choose this option and the group currently exists in F1, then you'll want to be sure that the name of the group in GroupVitals matches what it's named in F1.
- If you have any people within GroupVitals before syncing, you'll want to:
- Archive any test people (go to their profile in GroupVitals, click the edit tab and click the archive button at the bottom).
- If you have people you want to keep and they exist in F1, then you'll want to be sure that their full name matches their full name in F1 and their email in GroupVitals matches an email in their profile in F1.
2. F1 Setup
- Setup F1 Portal Admin
You'll need an F1 portal user with administrator-level rights to enable the integration. Specifically, this person will need rights to groups (read and write), group type admin and infellowship. Additionally, this portal user will need admin-level permissions for each F1 group type you'd like to sync with GroupVitals.
Note: We very strongly urge that you setup a separate F1 portal user that's is only used for the integration with GroupVitals. Create a very strong password and change it at least once per year. We believe this is the safest and securest choice for the church. If you were to use a normal user's F1 portal account, then if that person were to ever leave and their F1 portal access removed, then the sync will no longer work and you'll have to re-setup then entire integration. Additionally, if many days or weeks have gone by since that portal user became inactive and when you re-setup the integration, you'll need to contact us first so that we can send over all the missing data to your F1 account that was created while the connection was no longer working. This process could take 2-8 weeks. - Match Pre-Sync Group Names
If you added any groups before syncing, then you'll want to be sure the name of those groups exactly match those some groups in F1. If you'd like to start fresh, send us a message and we can wipe all the groups and people from your account (not including account admins/staff). - Pick Your F1 Group Types
Make a mental note of all of the group types from your F1 account that you'll want to sync over with GroupVitals. - Add Sub-Statuses
Create an F1 sub status called: New from GroupVitals either under the "Attendee" or "Member" status group. ( here's how to do this). - Turn off F1 Attendance
If you plan on using GroupVitals to track engagement, turn off attendance tracking for any group types you plan to sync in F1. Here are F1's instructions on how to remove the group leaders ability to take attendance. - Setup Campuses
If you are a multi-campus church, then you'll want to be sure you have campuses setup for groups in F1. To do that:- Open up a browser tab and login to F1 and click on Admin > Church Setup > Campuses from the navigation.
- In another browser tab, go to GroupVitals and click on the gear icon in the top right nav and click on Campuses in the drop-down.
- Enter in all the campuses that will be used for groups. Next, you'll want to be sure you have those same campuses setup in GroupVitals (Top right gear icon > Campus ). If this step is skipped, then any campus changes made to a group in GroupVitals will be reset during our nightly sync.
3. Link F1 to GroupVitals
Here's how to start syncing. We suggest doing this towards the end of the day, as the first time sync could take a few hours and you won't have access to GroupVitals during that time (but you will have access to F1). Right now, it takes about 24 hours to sync over 6,000 people.
- Login to your F1 account
- Go to Admin > Applications and find the GroupVitals app.
- Click on the GroupVitals app and then click “Grant Access.”
- Login to GroupVitals and click on the gear icon in the top-right > Add-ons.
- Click the “Enable” button in the F1 box.
- Insert your church code and click “Connect with Fellowship One” to begin the sync
- Login to F1 using your F1 login (may require F1 administrator-level access, the same login that enabled the GroupVitals application in F1)
- Sync will begin and until complete, you’ll be unable to use GroupVitals. You’ll receive an email when it’s complete.
Here's a video walking you through how to setup the integration and being your sync.
To make things easier on your ministry leaders, we recommend that you disable F1 group attendance, InFellowship group search and InFellowship group links.
4. Disable InFellowship Public Directory
A. You'll likely want to disable InFellowship group search and InFellowship links, login to F1 and click on "WebLink" at the top and in the drop-down, click "Features" under InFellowship.
On the features page, toggle groups to OFF.
and now when someone logs into InFellowship, they will no longer see "Your Groups" and "Find A Group" links.
You can keep the "Your Groups" link still active within InFellowship while disabling the InFellowship group search. To do that, in the InFellowship Features area, keep groups toggled to "ON" and un-check that box that says "Enable group search for InFellowship" and hit save. This will still allow people to see (and update) their groups within F1.