I want to...
- Getting Started: Group Attendance
- Add a new group
- Learn about all the positions within a group
- Add people into a group
- FAQ: Can I add a group underneath the span of care for a coach (someone who oversees group leaders)?
- Learn about group types
- FAQ: Export Groups and Members
- FAQ: How do I set the max # of people in a group or for all groups?
- FAQ: When someone is a prospect or a guest and they attend a group, do they automatically change to a group member?
- Deleting a Group (Archive)
- Edit a group
- FAQ: Can group members access GroupVitals?
- Shutdown or pause a group temporarily (Make Inactive)
- FAQ: How do I archive more than one group at a time?
- Learn the difference between an "Open" and "Closed" group.
- FAQ: Why isn't a particular group showing up on the GroupFinder?
- Unarchive or Restore an Archived Group
- Best Practice for Ending a Group Season (Including Semesters)
- Take attendance for an irregular group meeting
- Does taking attendance require an account?