Make someone a group leader

To add someone to a group and make them a leader, you have three options:

1. Add them to the group via the group's profile.

2. Add them to the group via the leader's profile.

3. If they are already in the group, make them a leader.

See below to learn how to make someone a leader from the 3 options.

Add them to the group via the group's profile.

1. In the main navigation, click on "GROUPS"

2. On the groups page, find the group you're looking for and click on it's name.

3. On the group profile page, click the "Add Person to Group" near the top.

4. In the search box that pulls up, find the person, check the circle next to their name, select their position to be leader and click submit.
(If they don't exist, then there's a blue link to add that person into the database. While adding them, you can give them a role of a group leader.)

Add them to the group via the leader's profile.

1. In the main navigation, click on "People" and then click "All people" from the drop-down.

2. In the top search box, type in the person's name. If they don't pull up, click the "Add Person" button in the top sub-menu to add them first.

3. Once you've found the person, click on their name to go to their profile.

4. On their profile, click on Leader (or whatever you call a group leader) in the sub-menu near the top. If they don't have a leader role, click the "Add Role" button in the sub-menu at the top and add the role first.

5. On the Leader tab, click the "Add Group" button.

6. Do a search for the group. If they don't exist yet, then click the link at the bottom of the pop-up window to add a new group.

If they are already in the group, make them a leader.

1. Head over to that group's profile page.

2. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the person's name you'd like to be a leader.

3. Click Change Position.

4. Select the position from the drop-down menu in the modal window.

5. Click Save.

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