Can our organization have multiple GroupVitals account?
If there's another department, ministry, etc.. within your organization that's interested in using GroupVitals as well, then read this guide about your options:
- Have each department setup a separate GV account, but only if they know that there won't be any overlap between people who will have an email address on file for both accounts. Right now, we don't support a person with an email address to be in multiple accounts under that email address.
- Have a single account, but categorize/separate each department using our "campus" feature. Not 100% perfect solution, but a workaround some customers found to help keep the data separated on the dashboard and a lot of the other pages with reporting. This works best if you're not already using the campus feature.
- Use the "group models" feature to distinguish between the different department groups. Currently, we don't show group models as a filter option on the public GroupFinder. This is primarily for internal tracking. Note that you can't separate your dashboard data by group models.
- Use the group types feature to distinguish between the different department groups. You'll want to setup a standard for how you name these group types and assign them, to keep things easily separated. Group types show up on the public group finder, so this works great if you expect the other ministries to also utilize this feature. (you can also deep-link to the group finder where it loads a specific search filter, such as only showing groups under a specific group type). Note that with this method, you won't be able to separate your dashboard data by this either.
Without separating your dashboard data, all of your metrics across each department will be combined. Which has its obvious downsides. This is where the campus option is ideal, if reporting accuracy is important for each department. Setting up a separate account is another solution for this case. This does work best where the other department will not see an overlap of people. Such as an adult small groups vs a student groups.
It's on our long-term roadmap to better support multiple departments within your organization to use GroupVitals.