How to Send a Group Roster Check

Sending a roster check email to your group leaders will help make sure that your groups are as up-to-date as possible. It's a secure link they can click on to view and update their roster on any device, without having to login!

Here's how it works:

  1. On your groups' page, click the sub-menu (three vertical dots) near the right hand corner and select "Send Roster Check."
  2. Select who you'd like to receive the Roster Check email: leaders, co-leaders and/or apprentice leaders.
  3. You can make changes to the email's subject line/body. We suggest keeping your email clear and concise, and putting a timeline on when your leaders need to respond to help increase participation. You can also send your leaders the default email as-is! Totally up to you.
  4. You can send yourself a test email first to make sure everything looks great. Once you're ready, click "Send Roster Check" and the email will be sent out immediately for your group leaders to update any of their group members' roles in the group, or remove them entirely if they're no longer a member.

If you're wanting to send a Roster Check email to a specific group leader, you can do that directly from the group's profile page. Select the group you'd like to email, click that vertical sub-menu in the right-hand corner, select "Send Roster Check" and follow the steps outlined above!

Notifications - Once your group leader(s) has completed the roster check, all account admins, as well as any coaches/senior coaches within that group's span of care, will receive an email alerting them to any person changes for that group. This notification will automatically be toggled on, but if you'd like to toggle off these emails go to "My Notifications" and turn off the notification email for "When the roster check was taken for a small group."

💡Did you know that leaders are able to update their roster after taking attendance? After submitting, they are shown a button to update their roster. Clicking on it will take them to the secure roster check form for them to update. 

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