How to Clone/Copy a Group

Cloning or copying groups works great for semester-based group schedules, and if the group will generally have more members and leaders returning than not. It also works great if you want a clean snapshot or record of who was in a particular group during a particular season. Note: Cloning groups can only be done by admin/staff.

Cloning a group will allow you to create a copy of the group and once you do, you'll want to archive the previous group. Here's how to clone a group:

1. Go to the group's profile page. Click on the sub-menu (three vertical dots) then select "Copy/Clone Group" (If you don't see this option, it means you are not an admin or staff on your organization's GroupVitals account, and you'll need to contact someone with those privileges before continuing)

2. A pop-up window will appear with some important things to note before you copy the group: The new group's status will be set to inactive, and you can set it to active when you're ready. Also, attendance, notes, past members, and the timeline will not be copied.

3. Once you've clicked "Copy New Group," after a view moments you'll be able to view the new group. The group will automatically be named the same as the previous one + copy (i.e. "Sammie's Group Copy") and you'll be able to rename it. A good naming convention for these groups would be "Sammie's Group - Fall 2021" and then for the Spring semester or Fall semester, you'd clone the group and rename the cloned group to "Sammie's Group - Spring 2022".

With this method, you'll be able to keep a snapshot and record of all the groups you had for each semester! 

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