See newly connected members and prospects who haven't attended group yet

Goal: To see group members and prospects who have recently connected to a group, but haven't showed up (accordingly to attendance reports),

Benefit: So you can make follow-ups and check-in with the person or leader to see if they are going to try the group or need help finding a new one. This will result in more people getting connected and staying connected to a group.

Step 1: In the top nav, click on People > Members

Step 2: Click the down arrow next to the search box to pull up search filters.

Step 3: Adjust the "Involvement" slider to 0-5 weeks, or whatever time period you prefer. This represents how many weeks someone has been connected to a group.

Step 4: Adjust the "Attendance" slider to 0% to see people who haven't attended. This relies upon attendance being turned on and leaders taking attendance.

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