Learn about leadership roles

There are 5 levels of leadership roles within GroupVitals that are above group leaders:

1. Account Admin (Groups Coordinator, Groups Pastor, etc..)

2. Staff Member

3. Senior Coach

4. Coach

Each role is responsible for the roles underneath it, which we call "Span of Care". So senior coaches get updates about coaches underneath them, including any leaders and groups that are underneath that coach's span of care.

👉Learn more about how leadership span of care works in GroupVitals

Roles 3 and 4 can be toggled on/off in your leadership hierarchy settings. They can also be renamed.

Learn more about each of these roles here.

Group Roles / Positions
To learn more about the role of a group leader and all the other positions below that,  click here

Role Permissions
To learn more about permissions and see what roles have access to what,  click here.

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