I want to...
- Change the date for a previous attendance report
- Disable accept/decline option for GroupFinder prospects
- Set the list view on the GroupFinder as the default view
- FAQ: Why can't a group leader edit a members profile information?
- Find an archived group
- Getting Started: Groups Hub
- Person's campus association from GroupFinder and Attendance
- Share the link to a group's profile on the GroupFinder
- Only See Active Group Members
- Archived vs Inactive Groups
- Removing Someone from a Group
- FAQ: Why did a group automatically get archived?
- How to Clone/Copy a Group
- Adding a Group Profile Photo
- Print a List of Groups
- How to set a group to full
- FAQ: Why can't I use the same name for multiple groups?
- Set a group meeting day and time
- Best Practice for Online / Zoom Groups
- Merge Groups